9 September 2013
During a routine inspection
We found the service had appropriate systems in place to ensure that consent to provide care and treatment had been obtained.
A representative of a person who used the service said “X is always asked before they do things. They will explain why things are needed. They encourage him to make decisions and don’t dictate things.”
We found care plans and risk assessments provided clear guidance to inform staff what they needed to do in order to provide care and support according to the personal needs of each person.
A relative told us “They are very good with my X, no concerns at all. My X likes the staff and has improved as a result.”
We found medicines were safely administered and people who used the service received their medicines in the way they had been prescribed.
One member of staff told us: “We have regular supervision and staff meetings which allows me to raise any issue. I feel I’m very supported with my personal development. There is always someone of the phone to speak to if I have any issues.”
We found the provider had systems in place to monitor the quality of the service they provided.
Unannounced spot checks of staff was undertaken by managers to ensure high standards of service were maintained.