We spoke with three people who used the service in their homes and looked at feedback from other people as part of the quality assurance process. We spoke with six staff working for the agency and observed a member of care staff supporting one person in their home. People told us they were happy with their support and had no concerns. They told us staff came on time for their visits. They said staff talked to them about the support they needed and encouraged them to be independent.The provider cooperated with other social and healthcare professionals. They shared confidential information with other services and individuals with people's consent. People were supported to access other social and healthcare professionals.
Medication was handled safely and appropriately. People were encouraged to be independent. Audits were in place to assess staff competency to administer medicines.
Staff were happy with new rota arrangements. People said "staff are alright, I enjoy it" and "staff understand my needs". People said staff visited them on time and had not missed any calls.
Robust internal and external quality assurance systems were in place, enabling people, staff and others to give feedback about the quality of service provided. This included, "I am very happy about the way the service is going" and "I would talk to the staff if I have any concerns. I am fine with my support".