• Doctor
  • Urgent care service or mobile doctor

Sheridan Teal House

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Unit 2 Longbow Close, Pennine Business Park, Bradley Road, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD2 1GQ (01484) 487262

Provided and run by:
Local Care Direct Limited

Important: We are carrying out a review of quality at Sheridan Teal House. We will publish a report when our review is complete. Find out more about our inspection reports.

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service


Updated 19 April 2024

Sheridan Teal House is the base location of the provider, Local Care Direct Limited. Local Care Direct Limited is a social enterprise organisation. It has contractual arrangements with several commissioners to provide a range of medical and dental services for up to six million people. These services include urgent care services, NHS 111 online emergency department validation, COVID medicines delivery unit, and the Yorkshire and Humber dental clinical advice and booking service. This assessment focused on urgent care and the handling of NHS 111 referrals. Overall, we saw that the patients received safe care and treatment following referral into the service. We found that the current process of closing some routine referrals from NHS 111, during times of peak and escalating demand, carried with it some risk to both patients and the organisation. Whilst management and mitigation processes had been put in place there was still a degree of risk which needed to be monitored or reviewed. We found the leadership team was committed to working with staff, to ensure an inclusive culture. This included staff involvement with development of the vision and values. However, a small number of staff told us their views were not heard and they were treated differently at an operational level. All of the staff we spoke with demonstrated a commitment to providing good quality patient care.