Updated 20 May 2024
Dene Park House is a residential care home providing nursing and personal care for up to 51 people. The service provides support to younger and older people, some of whom are living with a dementia and/or a physical disability. At the time of the inspection 48 people were living at the home. This assessment began on 3 July 2024 and ended on 4 October 2024. We carried out an unannounced visit to the service on 3 July 2024. We gathered information from people using the service, their relatives, managers, staff and health and social care professionals involved with the service. At the last inspection, we identified breaches in relation to regulation 12, (safe care and treatment) and regulation 17, (good governance). At this assessment we looked at 29 quality statements to check for improvement and found the provider was no longer in breach of regulations. Effective safeguarding procedures were in place. Staff effectively managed risks to people’s personal safety and wellbeing. Equipment to assist people was safe and well maintained. Some areas of the home were in need of redecoration to ensure effective cleaning. Staff followed appropriate infection control procedures. Staff were recruited safely and well supported. Staffing levels and deployment received mixed reviews from people, relatives and staff. Staff were passionate about providing good care outcomes. They worked closely with external professionals to ensure people had safe transitions between services. Person-centred care plans were in place and regularly reviewed. Medicines were better managed, although further improvements were needed to records. Staff encouraged people to be as independent as possible and supported them to do activities, access the community and follow their interests or hobbies. Outcomes of accidents, incidents and complaints were used as learning opportunities. Governance systems were in place and were being used to make improvements at the service.