11 November 2013
During a routine inspection
We were unable to speak to people who use the service during our visit. We read feedback provided by people and it was generally positive. People described the staff as "very friendly" and "professional".
People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual treatment plan. All staff had received medical emergencies training and there were appropriate arrangements in place to deal with emergencies.
There were effective systems in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection. We were given a demonstration of the decontamination of reusable instruments which was in line with published guidance. Appropriate tests were carried out to equipment and personal protective equipment was available.
Staff were all registered with their relevant professional bodies. They were supported with regular supervisions and annual appraisals. We saw evidence of staff continuing professional development (CPD).
Records were kept securely and could be located promptly when needed. Most records were stored electronically on computers which were password protected. Records we saw were stored accurately.