Updated 6 March 2024
Brookdale View is a care home providing accommodation, personal and nursing care and the treatment of disease, disorder and injury to up to 48 older and younger people. At the time of the assessment, there was 46 people living at the home.
This assessment was prompted by information we held about the service and was completed by 1 Assessor and 1 Inspector. The Inspector carried out a site visit on 14 March 2024 and the assessment concluded on 7 April 2024.
The last inspection report for this service was published on 9 September 2022 and the service was rated good.
People were support safely. Staffing levels were satisfactory safe recruitment practice was followed. Safeguarding processes were followed. Risk to people were assessed. People were supported in their best interests. Staff received training to support their job role. Infection control was well managed. People received suitable support with nutrition and hydration. The provider used recognised tools to monitor people’s wellbeing. People were supported to maintain their independence and make choices as to how they preferred their care and support. Staff responded to people in a timely manner. Care provided was person-centred and staff knew people well. Families and friends were encouraged to maintain relationships with people living at the home. Staff were positive about the leadership of the home. Governance processes were robust.
We spoke with seven members of staff, including the registered manager. The provider is required to have a registered manager to oversee the delivery of regulated activities at this location. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Registered managers and providers are legally responsible for how the service is run, for the quality and safety of the care provided and compliance with regulations.