11 January 2018
During a routine inspection
The service was managed by two registered managers as two area offices had closed; therefore the whole of the Greater Manchester services were overseen from the one office location in Bolton.
Safeguarding and whistle blowing policies were in place and the service had a designated safeguarding lead person. Staff were knowledgeable about how to record and report any concerns.
There was a strict recruitment policy in place and checks were undertaken to help ensure people were protected from the risk of unsuitable staff. Staffing levels were continually assessed to ensure there were sufficient numbers
Staff had undertaken training in infection control and were issued with personal protective equipment to help minimise the risk of cross infection. Medicines were managed safely; staff had received training in medicines administration and had regular refresher courses and competency checks.
Staff had completed a thorough induction on commencing work at the service and training was on-going. Staff supervisions and observations of practice were undertaken regularly.
Care files included relevant information around health and well-being. Consent was obtained where required and the service was working within the legal requirements of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) (MCA).
All the people we spoke with were positive about their experience of the service. The care records demonstrated that people were involved with care planning and support.
There was appropriate information given out in the form of a customer information folder. The service endeavoured to be inclusive and supportive to everyone. All staff we spoke with were able to explain the importance of confidentiality, dignity and privacy. There were appropriate policies in place relating to these areas.
The service made efforts to ensure consistency of staff and people we spoke with felt the service was flexible. Care plans were person-centred and included relevant personal information. People were supported to take part in activities that they enjoyed in and out of the home.
There was a complaints policy in place which was outlined in the statement of purpose and the customer information folder.
People who used the service told us the managers and office staff were approachable and easy to get hold of when needed. Staff told us they received good support from management with regular supervisions and staff meetings.
Feedback was sought from people who used the service on a six to eight weekly basis. Audits and quality checks were undertaken to help ensure continual improvement of the service delivery. The service worked in partnership with other local groups.