- Care home
Tilford Care & Nursing Home
Report from 12 September 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Date of assessment: 12 September 2024. This was a responsive assessment due to concerns received about a medical incident at the service. We found appropriate lessons had been learnt from this. The management team had worked hard to improve the service since our last inspection and were proud of the work undertaken. This positivity and ethos radiated amongst all staff within service, with one staff member telling us, "The staff are so friendly and so caring. And it is very safe as well." We observed kind and thoughtful interactions between staff and people using the service. Detailed care plans were in place for people living at the service permanently. However, further work was required to ensure care plans of those using temporary contract beds were of the same standards. The registered manager said that she would look into this immediately. Other than this, regular quality governance audits identified shortfalls which were rectified in a timely manner by staff. The environment was clean and tidy, and equipment used to support staff to deliver care was maintained and regularly serviced.
People's experience of this service
People and their relatives were extremely positive about their experience of the service. One person told us, “You are so relaxed here. The staff are marvellous. They will do anything for you. I have got no grumbles at all." Another person said, "They have done an awful lot for me. Nothing is too much trouble for them. The best thing about the home is the friendliness. All the staff are so friendly. It is like a holiday home here really, because everybody is so happy. I give it full marks." A further person said, “I know the staff here, I have got to know them all; they think the world of me. They understand how I feel, which is nice." There were close working relationships with external professionals. This ensured people received joined up support to meet both their care and health needs. People’s rights and liberties were protected as staff worked to the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. There were regular opportunities for people, their relatives and staff to give feedback on the surface to aid improvement.