30 October 2018
During a routine inspection
At our last inspection of December 2017, we rated the service as inadequate overall and placed into special measures. We had concerns about all areas of the service. The provider had not ensured people received safe care in line with their needs and preferences. We found the provider to be in breach of regulation 9, 10, 12, 16, 17 and 18 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. We asked them to complete an action plan to show what they would do and by when to improve the service to at least good.
This comprehensive inspection was completed on 30 October and 7 November 2018 and was announced.
Since our last inspection the number of people being supported had reduced from 30 to 10 and many of the people who we had been concerned about due to their complex needs were no longer supported by the service. There were also less staff due to the number of people being cared for. The registered manager and care manager had worked with the Local Authority to address our concerns and started improving the management and quality of the service. They had made significant progress and we found the service was no longer in breach of regulations. However, we found some of the new systems were not yet fully implemented or well-coordinated.
The service had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are 'registered persons'. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run. There was also a care manager who had worked closely with the registered manager to implement improvements.
The registered manager had demonstrated a commitment to improving the service by investing in a number of new systems, such as an electronic monitoring system to track staff visits and a new training room. There were new audits in place to check the quality of the service and communication had improved with people, families and staff. There was a more open culture at the service. Communication with stakeholders such as the Local Authority was usually in response to concerns.
We made a recommendation that the registered manager develop more positive and pro-active relationships with outside organisations.
There were enough safely recruited staff to meet people’s needs. The registered manager had put new measures in place to improve people’s safety, though these had not all been implemented fully and further time was needed to ensure they were effective. Staff had been retrained in administration of medicines and there were new forms to record and monitor the support provided. Staff supported people to minimise the risk of infection.
Training had improved, though there was still a need to develop staff skills and guidance where people had more complex needs. Supervision of staff had improved, however the new systems to record and review how the service managed staff practice still needed improvement. The care manager was now able to check that people’s wellbeing and nutritional needs were being met because staff recording had improved.
Staff worked more closely with external professionals to meet people’s needs. Staff ensured support took into consideration people’s ability to make decisions about their care.
There was a more caring approach throughout the service, and an expectation of staff to treat people with respect and dignity. People had an increased say in the service they received. Support was more personalised and tailored to people’s needs. The new care plans and review process were still being implemented, but once in place they would enable staff to provide a more responsive service to people and families.
The complaint process had improved but the registered manager needed to ensure the system for recording complaints was functioning effectively. There was no one in the service receiving end of life care.
We made recommendations around improvements in developing staff skills in this area.