20 March 2019
During a routine inspection
People’s experience of using this service: People were supported by staff who they felt were kind and caring.
Feedback was sought by the local authority contracts team however the provider had no system in place to monitor feedback from people, relatives and staff.
Staff had good relationships with regular carers who knew them well, although people, relatives and professionals all felt some improvements could be made to receiving regular staff who knew them well.
People’s care plans had risk assessments in place.
Recruitment procedures were completed before new staff began work.
Supervision, appraisals and enabling staff to undertake the care certificate required improving.
Records relating to the recording of medicines administered, cream charts and body maps and having records available to staff required improving.
The service provided a reablement service so that people could receive support to regain their independence following a fall, being unwell or a hospital admission.
People were supported by staff who demonstrated dignity and respect, however improvements could be made to not sharing personal information with other people using the service.
Care plans were personalised and contained important information relating to people’s likes and dislikes. One person required their care plan updating with their change in visit information.
Some actions had been identified through audits and an action plan was in place.
Rating at last inspection: Requires Improvement (April 2018)
Why we inspected: This was a planned inspection based on the previous rating.
Enforcement: We found one breach of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and we made two recommendations around handling and acting upon complaints and care planning that reflects people’s end of life wishes. Please see the ‘action we have told the provider to take’ section towards the end of the report.
Follow up: We will review the report on actions the provider intends to take following the inspection. We will continue to monitor the service through the information we receive. We will inspect in line with our inspection programme or sooner if required.