27 March and 10 April 2013
During a routine inspection
People's views and feedback was listened and responded to by the provider. One person who used the service told us, "I know exactly what is happening with my operation every step of the way, it was my choice to come here and I am pleased I did."
We found the reception area to be bright and spacious and through our observations saw that staff were welcoming and respectful towards people. People told us that they felt the referral for treatment was a positive experience with one person telling us, "What's good is that it is all done through your own doctor and not someone you've never met before."
We found staff had a sufficient knowledge of safeguarding measures and that the provider had adequate procedures in place to protect people. One member of staff we spoke with told us, "It is not just the physical harm that alerts us, but the little things like appearance and demeanour."
We found that staff received appropriate training and support relevant to their role. One staff member commented, "I wouldn't have started here if I hadn't thought there was a career path for me."
We found that the provider assessed and reviewed the quality of service provided to people and took into account people's feedback.