We made an unannounced visit to the agency office and spoke to manager and support staff. We sampled records and telephoned some people using the service and their representatives to gain their views about the service they received. We also telephoned some care staff to talk about their role and responsibilities. People told us that their carers arrived on time and stayed for the allocated time.
The care planning, assessment and risk assessment processes had been reviewed so that they contained more detailed information. This meant that staff had the information they needed about people to provide safe care and support.
Safeguarding procedures were in place and staff had been trained in safeguarding. Staff were aware of how to raise concerns and who to report to. People told us that they felt safe and at ease when the carers were in their homes.
Systems were in place to monitor the service that people received to ensure that the service was satisfactory and safe. Everyone we spoke to said that they were happy with the service.
Recruitment procedures did not protect people from the risk of being supported by unsuitable care staff because references had not been fully checked. The agency had not fully checked that staff were honest, reliable and of good character.