Background to this inspection
28 September 2015
East Coast Community Healthcare C.I.C is an independent healthcare provider that provides a range of community health services for adults. Community health services for adults are provided in four community hospitals and one GP surgery. Services provided include: diagnostic and screening procedures, personal care, treatment of disease, disorder or injury, surgical procedures and family planning.
This was an announced inspection that focused on the inpatient ward at Beccles hospital. Beccles Hospital has the capacity for 21 beds for people needing rehabilitation, palliative care or who have complex discharge needs. It also provides a minor injuries unit which is open every day for 12 hours. In August 2015 the number of inpatient beds was reviewed and reduced in line with staffing provision. This inspection focused on the inpatient area only.
28 September 2015
We undertook a responsive inspection on the 15 August 2014 in response to concerns that one or more of the essential standards of quality and safety were not being met, this was specifically in relation to the inpatient ward at the hospital. At this time the hospital was meeting the standard for care and welfare of people who use services but was not meeting the standard for assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision.
Improvements were required in relation to the leadership at ward level and the systems in place that allowed the service to monitor and assess the quality of the service provided. We judged that there was a moderate impact on people using the service and issued a compliance action to the provider for actions and improvements to be undertaken.
We undertook a follow up inspection of the service on 27 August 2015 to ensure that these actions had been taken. We found that the provider had completed and implemented an action plan and improvements had been made. We judged that the provider was now meeting required standards.