This was an announced inspection which took place on 24 March 2016. We had previously carried out an inspection in April 2013. We found the service to be meeting the regulations we reviewed at that time.Sunshine Care (Rochdale) C.I.C is a domiciliary care agency which at the time of our inspection was providing personal care to 76 people who lived in their own homes. The agency is a community interest company which means it is a ‘not for profit’ organisation. The agency refers to care staff as ‘personal assistants’; this term is therefore used throughout this report. We were told that people who used the service either paid privately for their care or had their care commissioned by the local authority.
The service had a registered manager in place as required under the conditions of their registration with the Care Quality Commission. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run. The registered manager was supported in the day to day running of the service by one of the board of directors.
During this inspection we found two breaches of the Health and Social Care Act (HSCA) 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. This was because the recruitment processes in place were not sufficiently robust. The provider also did not have robust systems in place to ensure personal assistants received regular refresher training and supervision .You can see what action we have told the provider to take at the back of the full version of the report.
Personal assistants had not been safely recruited. This was because two of the personnel files we reviewed only contained one reference; this was not in accordance with the provider’s own recruitment policy. Required additional checks had not been undertaken to find out why any prospective staff member’s previous employment with children or vulnerable adults had ended. Such checks are important to help ensure people who used the service were protected from the risk of people unsuitable to work with vulnerable groups.
Personal assistants had received training in safeguarding adults. They were able to tell us of the action they would take to protect people who used the service from the risk of abuse. They told us they would also be confident to use the whistleblowing procedure in the service to report any poor practice they might observe.
Improvements needed to be made to the way personal assistants recorded the medicines prescribed to people who used the service.
People who used the service told us they were impressed by the consistency, reliability and flexibility of the team of personal assistants who supported them. People who used the service told us their personal assistants always visited at the time agreed and stayed for the correct amount of time. They told us that personal assistants never appeared rushed during their visits and always took the time to complete any tasks they asked of them. They told us all their personal assistants were knowledgeable about their needs and appeared well trained.
Risk assessments for physical health needs and environmental risks helped protect the health and welfare of people who used the service. Arrangements were in place to help ensure the prevention and control of infection.
Where necessary people who used the service received support from their personal assistants to ensure their nutritional needs were met. Records we reviewed showed personal assistants had contacted health professionals as appropriate if they had any concerns regarding a person they supported.
All the people we spoke with gave positive feedback regarding the kind and caring nature of all personal assistants and managers in the service. People who used the service told us they were able to make choices about the care they received and personal assistants enabled them to maintain their independence as much as possible. Comments people made to us included, “The care is very good. They [personal assistants] are all friendly”, “The carers so good to me” and “They [personal assistants] are always kind to me. I regard most of them as friends.” This view was confirmed by a relative who commented, “The carers are absolutely outstanding. They are lovely people; very kind and considerate. They feel more like friends coming in now.”
People who used the service told us they had been involved in agreeing their support plans. They told us their personal assistants always provided the care they wanted and were always willing to complete any additional tasks they requested of them. Comments people made to us included, “They do whatever I ask”, “They willingly do anything I ask them to do” and “They ask if there is anything else they can do before they go; if it’s possible they will do it.”
People who used the service and their relatives were asked to comment on the service during spot checks conducted by the managers in the service and in the surveys distributed by the provider. We noted that most of the 37 respondents to the provider’s most recent survey in May 2015 had given the highest possible score in all areas. Positive responses had also been received to the survey distributed by CQC prior to this inspection taking place.
We noted that there was a complaints procedure in place for people who used the service to use if they wanted to raise any concerns about the care and support they received. All the people we spoke with told us would feel able to discuss any concerns with their personal assistants or managers in the service although they told us they could not envisage any circumstances in which they would need to complain about the support they received.
All the people we spoke with during the inspection, including people who used the service, relatives and personal assistants, spoke highly of the leadership displayed by the managers in the service. Managers regularly worked alongside personal assistants to check that they were meeting the high standards expected of them and to gather direct feedback from people who used the service.
There were a number of quality assurance systems in place to help drive forward improvements in the service. All the personal assistants we spoke with told us they enjoyed working in the service and considered they provided a high quality of care. We noted that personal assistants were consulted about the way the service was run, including how any profits made should be used for the benefits of both people who used the service and staff.