• Care Home
  • Care home

Blenheim Court Care Home

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Elm Lane, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S5 7TW (0114) 245 6026

Provided and run by:
Logini Care Solutions Ltd

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service

Requires improvement

Updated 9 May 2024

Blenheim Court is a care home providing accommodation for nursing and personal care to older people, some of whom are living with dementia. The service can support up to 44 people over 2 units. At the time of this inspection there were 32 people living at Blenheim court. At the last inspection the service was rated good. We carried out this assessment in June 2024. We looked at all the quality statements under the key question Safe. We also looked at the following quality statements, assessing needs, delivering evidence based care and treatment, Independence, choice and control, person centred care and Equity in experiences and outcomes under key questions effective, caring and responsive. We also looked at 3 quality statements under the key question well- led, these were Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders, Governance and assurance and Learning, improvement and innovation. We found improvements were required in some areas. We found the service rated requires improvement in Safe and well-led and good in effective, caring and responsive. Rated requires improvement overall. There was a new management team in post at the time of our site visit, who were fully aware of the issues and the required improvements and were working together to drive improvements and embed good practice.

People's experience of the service

Updated 9 May 2024

Most relatives felt their family member was safe living at the home and said they would speak with staff if they had any concerns. We received mixed feedback from people, some told us staff were lovely and took time and listened. Others told us staff spoke over them and were rushed. One person said, “Most of them [the staff] are excellent.” Another person said, “If talking to a staff member, if they [the staff] don’t like what you say they turn their back and walk away.” Our observations showed staff did not always provide person-centred care and support. People’s risks were not always managed effectively, and people were not always listened to. We observed some staff were very caring and respectful and people spoke very highly of the activity coordinator. People and relatives told us the service was clean and did not raise any concerns about infection control. People’s family and friends were free to visit when they wished.