Our current view of the service
10 October 2024
We carried out an assessment of Clarence House which commenced on 11 November 2024 and ended on 21 November 2024. Clarence House is a ‘care home’ that provides care and support to older people. Some people were living with dementia. The service can accommodate up to 78 people. At the time of the assessment 56 people were living at Clarence House. We carried out this assessment to check improvements from the previous inspection and to assess if the provider had addressed the concerns we previously raised. These concerns were in relation to infection prevention and control, governance and ensuring risks associated with people’s care, were identified and managed to keep people safe. At this assessment, we looked at Safe, Caring and Well Led Key Questions. We found the provider taken action to address the concerns and made changes which had improved the service.
People's experience of the service
10 October 2024
During our assessment we spoke with 4 people and 6 relatives and observed staff interacting with people. We recieved mainly positive feedback although we received some feedback which suggested there were some issues to address. We recieved mixed comments regarding staffing. Some people felt there were reduced staffing at the weekend and not enough staff to meet people's needs effectively. Some relatives told us communication was sometimes poor and items of laundry went missing. We spoke with the provider who agreed to look into these points to improve the service. People and relatives spoke positively about the staff and found they were kind and caring. People enjoyed activities and appeared interested and engaged in them. People felt they had good access to healthcare provision and people felt they had the autonomy to make their own choices. People felt safe living at the home and had access to equipment they needed such as equipment to address falls prevention. Relatives told us they felt their family member was safe and said staff knew people well.