• Care Home
  • Care home

Clova House Residential Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

231 Chellaston Road, Shelton Lock, Derby, Derbyshire, DE24 9EE (01332) 702488

Provided and run by:
Clova House Ltd

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service


Updated 25 January 2024

Clova House Residential Care Home is a residential care home, providing personal care support for up to 20 people. At the time of our assessment 19 people were using the service. We completed this assessment between 21 March and 4 April 2024. We visited the service on the 21 March 2024. We spoke to 7 people’s representatives remotely about their experience of the service. At the last inspection this location was rated as requires improvement and a recommendation made for the provider to review their policy on the deprivation of liberty safeguards and mental capacity. This was to ensure people’s human rights were respected and the law was fully followed. We assessed 28 quality statements under the five key questions of Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive and Well Led. including the practices at the home regarding deprivation of liberty safeguards and mental capacity. We assessed these 28 quality statements as Good and the overall rating for the service has improved to Good.

People's experience of the service

Updated 25 January 2024

People and their relatives spoke positively of the care and support they received. People told us they felt safe, and their relatives and friends felt their loved ones were well supported by staff who knew them and their needs well. People and their relatives and friends felt comfortable raising concerns if required and felt their feedback would be listened to. People’s relatives and friends told us they were kept informed of the care their loved ones received. People were supported by sufficient numbers of trained staff who were recruited safely to meet their needs. People were protected from the risk of abuse and they and their relatives and friends told us they felt the service was safe. Risks to people had been assessed and reviewed on a regular basis. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice. People were supported to pursue hobbies of interest to them and maintain relationships with their friends and relatives. Care plans provided information about people's choices and preferences. Staff training was relevant and up to date. People were supported to access healthcare and staff had a good understanding of guidance external professionals had provided. Information was appropriately shared with other health professionals to ensure people’s needs were met.