- Care home
Glenmoor House Care Home
Report from 9 September 2024 assessment
Our view of the service
Glenmoor House Care Home is a care home providing accommodation, nursing, and personal care for up to 59 people. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing or personal care as a single package under a contractual agreement. This assessment was carried out by a team including an Expert by Experience, who has personal experience of using or caring for someone who uses this type of care service. The assessment started on 18 September 2024 and ended on 14 October 2024. We visited the service on 25, 26 September 2024 and 3 October 2024. We assessed 15 quality statements across Safe, Effective and Well-led key questions. At the time of the assessment there were 46 people in residence. This assessment was prompted in part due to concerns raised about the quality of care people received, medicines management, staffing and the management of the service. We found no evidence to support these concerns and the overall rating for the service has remained ‘good’. We spoke with people in residence and their visitors, health care professionals, staff, the manager and the provider. We observed how people were being supported and reviewed records for people’s care, staff, and management records. People’s needs were assessed, managed and kept under review. People received their medicines as prescribed by trained and competent staff. Care plans were personalised and contained up to date guidance for staff to follow. Staff were recruited safely, trained and competent to meet people’s needs. There were enough staff to meet people’s needs and protect them from abuse. Agency staff were used regularly whilst staff recruitment was ongoing. Further supervision was needed to oversee agency staff. There was a positive culture within the home, empowering people and staff to speak up without fear. Governance systems were used effectively to monitor care, identify and address areas for improvement. Management acted on concerns and lessons learnt were shared with the staff team.
People's experience of this service
We spoke with 10 people and 10 family members and friends during this assessment. People felt safe and were involved in the planning of their care. People told us staff understood their needs, preferences and treated them with respect and kindness. A person said, “I feel I get well-treated here.” Most relatives told us they had no concerns about their family member’s safety, health, wellbeing and quality of life . A relative said, there are enough staff about and they are all very pleasant. There are not a lot of changes of staff, there is a core team, I see the same faces. When there are new staff they are always working with an experienced member of staff.” There were enough staff but some people and relatives raised worries about agency staff. We spoke with the manager and action was taken to ensure regular reliable and trained agency staff were used. People had a range of opportunities to give feedback, suggestions and felt they were listened to heard and action was taken. People were confident the staff and manager would address their concerns when raised.