23 August 2011
During a routine inspection
One person we spoke with said 'I like it here, I chose to come and live here.' Another person said, 'It is ok.'
Staff we spoke with told us they would always knock on a person's door before entering the room. They also said they would close the curtains and doors before providing personal care. One staff member said 'I always ask questions and give people the choice and I record it in the care plan if someone refuses treatment.'
We were told that people were involved with their care plan when they were set up and when reviews took place.
People told us the staff were very good at their job. They felt the care they received met their needs and requirements. One person said, 'I self medicate and the staff watch over me while I do it.'
Staff we spoke with said they felt there was enough staff at the time of our visit for the number of people living at the home. The people we spoke with also felt there was enough staff for the number of people living there.
One person said 'I can tell the staff and manger anything, they are very good to sort things out for me.' People we spoke with told us they felt safe living in the home and with the staff who provided their treatment.