• Community
  • Community substance misuse service

Archived: Lifeline North Kirklees

3 Wellington Street, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, WF13 1LY (01924) 438383

Provided and run by:
Locala Community Partnerships C.I.C.

Latest inspection summary

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Background to this inspection

Updated 30 January 2018

Locala Community Partnerships is one of four services which are jointly commissioned as Kirklees’ Integrated Drug & Alcohol Services for adults. Locala provides the medical and prescribing component of the integrated substance misuse and alcohol service commissioned in Kirklees. Whilst each of the four services are registered separately with the Care Quality Commission, Locala had one registered manager who was responsible for all four locations. The service regarded itself as one integrated drugs and alcohol service delivered in four separate locations. This service operated from premises in the centre of Dewsbury, the location remains registered and identifiable by the previous lead provider within the partnership arrangement.

The service employed a partnership model of delivery with three partner organisations. The service is commissioned by Kirklees Council – Public Health.

Locala Community Partnerships had three partner organisations:

• Change, Grow, Live (CGL) – a voluntary sector organisation specialising in substance misuse and criminal justice intervention projects in England and Wales. This service was the lead provider within the partnership arrangement. The service was responsible for care co-ordination, psychosocial interventions, prevention, wellbeing and recovery.

• Community Links – a not-for-profit provider of mental health and well-being services in Yorkshire and the Humber. This service was sub-contracted to provide assertive outreach for people with both mental health needs and substance misuse problems.

• The Basement Project – a not for profit self-help charity based in Halifax, Huddersfield and Dewsbury. This service was sub-contracted to provide abstinence support and group programmes.

This was the first comprehensive inspection of Locala using CQC’s new inspection methodology.

Overall inspection

Updated 30 January 2018

We do not currently rate independent standalone substance misuse services.

We found the following areas of good practice:

  • All clients were protected from potential harm and abuse. The service had enough staff with the right training and support to deliver safe and effective care. Regular assessment of environmental risk ensured facilities and equipment were safe for clients and staff. The culture of the service promoted incident reporting, prompt investigation and shared learning.

  • Staff provided care and treatment that was effective, recovery focussed and met the individual needs of clients. The service delivered care and treatment in line with national guidance. Staff were skilled and knowledgeable. The service supported staff with regular supervision and annual appraisal.

  • Staff inspired confidence in clients and carers. Staff treated clients with kindness and dignity. Relationships were built on a mutual respect for each other. The service valued feedback from clients and carers.

  • The service was responsive to the needs of all clients. The service had a range of facilities and access to partnership services to meet the individual needs of clients. The service received 21 compliments and no formal complaints.

  • The governance systems in place ensured the delivery of safe and high quality care. Leadership was good and the service promoted an honest and open culture. Staff felt supported and listened to. The service embraced carer and family involvement.

However, we also found the following issue that the service provider needs to improve:

  • The provider should ensure client care records provide a detailed assessment of substance misuse and prescribing rationale. All client care records should reflect clients’ preferences for care and treatment.