Archived: Sandringham Care Home

Escomb Road, Bishop Auckland, County Durham, DL14 6HT (01388) 660966

Provided and run by:
Crown Care I LLP

All Inspections

10 January 2013

During a routine inspection

People who used the services were given appropriate information and support regarding their care or treatment.

We spoke with a number of people who used the services at Sandringham Care Home. One person said "I think we're very lucky to be in here' and another person said 'It's a good home.' Other people we spoke with said they were happy to be living there.

People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan. One person told us "We're very well cared for' and 'We're kept clean and we're kept fed.' Another person said 'The care is good' and 'I've got to know the staff very well.'

Everybody we spoke with told us they were happy with the way their medication was given to them and how it was managed. They said they received it at the times they needed it.

People told us they were happy with the services provided to them, however they knew who to speak to if they had any concerns or complaints. We saw complaints and concerns raised had been fully investigated and resolved, as far as possible, to the satisfaction of the complainants.

31 July 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We did not speak with people about this outcome due to the nature of the compliance action set at the previous inspection. Instead we spoke with the manager. We also looked at records relating to staff training and talked to staff.

5 March 2012

During an inspection in response to concerns

We spoke with some of the people living in the home. Everyone spoke positively about the care being provided. One person told us 'I like it here. And I'll stay as long as they keep me'. Another person said 'Your taken care of here, you are not just a number.' Other people told us that the staff treated them with respect and that the food was very good.

Visiting relatives were also very complimentary about the care home. One relative said 'We were lucky to get a place here. It's beautiful, absolutely lovely.' Another person said 'If I didn't like it I would move my mother.'

Everyone we spoke with told us there were plenty of activities.

Relatives were very complimentary about the staff. They said 'The staff are friendly. They are lovely, you can't fault them and 'The staff make me feel welcome when I visit, we are on first name terms'.

People told us that they felt there were enough staff to meet their needs, although one relative commented that 'Sometimes they (the staff) are rushed off their feet.' One person using the service also said 'We are very short staffed at present so sometimes you have to wait a little while before the girls can get to you'.

Everyone said if they were unhappy they would speak to the unit manager (there were four units in the home. Each had a unit manager who was responsible for the day to day running of that unit).

This home catered for people who had dementia. These people, because of their dementia, were not able to tell us what they thought about living in the home. We spent time watching how staff interacted with them. We saw that staff talked with people in a respectful manner and had a good understanding of their care needs. People were treated with dignity and respect. For example, when people were supported to walk, they were not rushed but supported to move at a pace that was comfortable for them. We heard staff address people respectfully, speaking quietly about private matters. We also heard staff offer people choices, for example: about what they would like to drink.