• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: Diamond Dental and Medical Clinic

216 Regents Park Road, London, N3 3HP (020) 3632 6543

Provided and run by:
BRL Dentos Ltd


We took urgent enforcement action and cancelled the registration of BRL Dentos Ltd on 3 June 2024 for failing to meet the regulations related to safe and effective staffing at Diamond Dental and Medical Clinic.

Report from 2 May 2024 assessment

On this page


Not all regulations met

Updated 25 June 2024

We found this practice was not providing well-led care in accordance with the relevant regulations. During our assessment of this key question, we found a lack of systems or processes that enabled the registered person to assess, monitor and improve the quality and safety of the services being provided. a lack of systems or processes to assess, monitor and mitigate the risks relating to the health, safety and welfare of service users and others who may be at risk. a lack of systems or processes that enabled the registered person to assess, monitor and improve the quality and safety of the services being provided. There was also a lack of systems or processes to assess, monitor and mitigate the risks relating to the health, safety and welfare of service users and others who may be at risk. a lack of effective systems to ensure dental records were stored securely. This resulted in a breach of Regulation 17 (Good governance) of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. You can find more details of our concerns in the evidence category findings below.

Find out what we look at when we assess this area in our information about our new Single assessment framework.

Shared direction and culture

Regulations met

The judgement for Shared direction and culture is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Well-led key question.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Regulations met

The judgement for Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Well-led key question.

Freedom to speak up

Regulations met

The judgement for Freedom to speak up is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Well-led key question.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Regulations met

The judgement for Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Well-led key question.

Governance, management and sustainability

Not all regulations met

Based on the evidence we gathered on the day and our discussion with staff and the Registered Manager, we were not assured that the practice was open and transparent with the people using the services. Staff were not clear about responsibilities, roles and systems of accountability to support good governance and management. The Registered Manager and the Director of the company were unclear about which areas of the service they were responsible for. Staff stated they felt respected, supported and valued. However, we were not assured that the practice had effective processes to support and develop staff with additional roles and responsibilities. We identified gaps in staff`s knowledge, including infection prevention and control, safeguarding and evidence-based practice.

Leadership and oversight were not effective to ensure appropriate changes would be made and sustained. Some of the concerns identified on 24 and 26 May 2024 were similar in nature to issues identified during previous inspections of the service between 2016 and 2021. These included lack of sufficient infection prevention and control procedures, not ensuring that the practice had sufficient, suitably qualified staff to provide dental services and lack of appropriate systems in place for the management of risk. We are still not assured that the provider had demonstrated the capability to implement and sustain meaningful improvements. In addition, we identified new concerns around the provider`s failure to ensure that those providing dental services were registered with the professional regulator, the GDC. This means that there was a serious risk to service users who were given dental treatment by individuals who were not registered as there is no assurance that these individuals had the necessary skills, qualifications or competence to provide these services safely. The information and evidence presented during the inspection process was not clear or well documented. The practice did not have an effective governance system in place to ensure policies, protocols and procedures were reviewed on a regular basis. There were ineffective processes for identifying and managing risks, issues and performance. We identified concerns around the management of risks associated with fire, Legionella, health and safety, sharps, radiation safety and recruitment. The practice did not have systems to review and investigate incidents and accidents. The practice had not responded to concerns and complaints appropriately. The practice did not have systems and processes for learning, quality assurance and continuous improvement.

Partnerships and communities

Regulations met

The judgement for Partnerships and communities is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Well-led key question.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Regulations met

The judgement for Learning, improvement and innovation is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Well-led key question.