10 April 2013
During a routine inspection
We sampled patient feedback questionnaires. The comments were very favourable of the the service provided. A suggestion box and comments book were located in the waiting room. One patient told us; "We are really satisfied with the service here, it has a really lovely feel about the place".
A patient told us: "This is really a good practice, spotlessly cleaned and decorated. The staff are fantastic and helpful. I have no concerns, they are by far the best dentists I have ever had".
We found that staff were trained in dealing with medical emergencies and cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR). We saw evidence of regular staff training and certificates.
The practice had its own decontamination room located on the first floor with a designated nurse.
Staff told us that they were provided with opportunities for personal development and training. A member of staff said "They have been very supportive, they know where my interests lie and support my development with training".
A programme of audits were routinely undertaken. We were shown infection control audits, environment cleaning audits, daily and weekly job list for each treatment room.