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  • Care home

The Glades at Moorville

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

24 Ryegate Road, Crosspool, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S10 5FA (0114) 263 1551

Provided and run by:
Moorville Developments Limited

All Inspections

During an assessment under our new approach

The Glades at Moorville is a residential care home providing personal care for up to 5 people. People supported may be autistic or living with a learning disability. The assessment was completed between 30 January and 19 February 2024. A site visit to gather people’s experiences and observe care practices was carried out on 13 December 2023. At the time of our assessment there were 5 people using the service. We met 2 people who lived at The Glades and spoke with them about their care and support. We also contacted 5 people’s relatives to ask their views following our visit. During our visit we also spoke with a director,2 registered managers, a deputy manager and 2 care staff. We looked at 16 quality statements Safeguarding; Involving people to manage risks; Safe and effective staffing; Assessing needs; Consent to care and treatment; Kindness, compassion and dignity; Independence choice and control; Care provision integration and continuity; Equity in experiences and outcomes; Shared direction and culture; Capable, compassionate, and inclusive leaders; Freedom to speak up; Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion; Governance and assurance; Partnerships and communities and Learning improvement and innovation. The last rating for this service was Requires Improvement in Well Led and Good overall, published 25 August 2017. We found the service had improved and is now rated Good in all areas.

11 July 2017

During a routine inspection

The Glades at Moorville provides accommodation and support for up to four people with learning disabilities and autistic spectrum disorders. It is located on a quiet residential road in Tapton, Sheffield. On the day of the inspection three people were receiving care services from the provider.

The inspection took place on 11 July 2017 and was announced. The provider was given short notice of the inspection because the service is small and the registered manager is often out of the office supporting staff or providing care. We needed to be sure that they would be in.

This is the first inspection since the provider registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in November 2015.

There was a registered manager on the day of our inspection. A registered manager is a person who has registered with CQC to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons.’ Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

Some aspects of medicines administration were not safe. For example we found where people had PRN medicines (PRN medicines are given as and when required) prescribed. We saw that some protocols needed more detail. The protocol is to guide staff on how to administer those medicines safely and consistently. The registered manager took immediate action to address this following the inspection and reviewed all the PRN protocols that were in place in line with NICE guidelines for the safe management of medicines.

Accidents and incidents were recorded and reported by staff. However, there was no analysis of themes or trends in order to eliminate future risks or inform future service developments. Whilst there was no evidence to suggest that this had negatively impacted upon people the lack of analysis of themes or trends means that people may not be protected against the risk of receiving inappropriate care and treatment. The registered manager took immediate action to address this concern following the inspection

There was an extremely strong person centred and caring culture in the home. (Person centred means that care is tailored to meet the needs and aspirations of each person, as an individual.) The management team and staff shared the vision of the service.

People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible. The registered provider’s policies and systems supported this practice.

We recommend the registered manager looks at best practice for auditing systems to ensure any shortfalls in documentation and processes are recognised.

The provider had a safe recruitment procedure in place that involved pre-employment checks being made prior to new staff commencing employment.

The staff we spoke with were very knowledgeable on safeguarding and whistle blowing policies and procedures.

We looked at care records and found they contained a person centred care plan which gave staff an understanding of people’s life stories, choices and preferences and what was important to the person.

We observed staff working with people and found they were kind and caring in their nature. Staff we spoke with were knowledgeable about respecting privacy and dignity and gave examples of how they would do this.

We checked people's care records. The information gave staff details of how to support and care for people to ensure their care needs were being met.

The home had a complaints procedure and people we spoke with knew how to raise concerns if they needed to.

We looked at people's records and found they identified risks associated with people's care and treatment.

People were supported to have sufficient food and drink to maintain a balanced diet. Snacks were available in between meals.

We found there were enough staff with the right skills, knowledge and experience to meet people's needs.