• Care Home
  • Care home

Orchid Care Home

Overall: Outstanding read more about inspection ratings

Guernsey Lane (Off Torun Way), Swindon, SN25 1UZ (01793) 753336

Provided and run by:
Angel Care (Orchid Care Homes) Ltd

Important: The provider of this service changed - see old profile

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service


Updated 17 May 2024

Date of assessment: 16 Aug to 23 August 2024. This assessment was carried out to follow up on concerns raised around staffing and safeguarding. We looked at 14 quality statements across the key questions. Leaders demonstrated their commitment and openness to innovation, and partnership working to ensure people living in the home were safe and had opportunities to do things they enjoyed doing. We found people were receiving effective, person-centred care from a caring and compassionate staff team. We found staff were well-trained and felt supported in their role by leaders. We found the provider had established effective governance systems and processes to meet people’s needs safely, as well as to check the quality of care and continually make improvements. We observed staff offering people choices and people’s independence was promoted. For example, people were enabled to leave the service and do things, for example go swimming or out for coffee.

People's experience of the service

Updated 17 May 2024

People and their relatives felt very safe in the home and spoke positively about their experiences of their care and living in the home. They expressed a confidence in the leadership team and the staff because they felt staff went the extra mile to provide person-centred care. We heard from a person how moved they were because the home had arranged a reunion for them. ‘If it were not for Orchid, I would not have ever had that opportunity... A special day that I will always remember.’ People living in the home said, ‘the nurses provide first class nursing support.’ ‘The activity people are very good and give 100%. After all people are not here to die, they are here to live. I can find no fault at all here.’ Relatives said, 'They are very caring and well organised. It is a team of people who care about (person), it is a family, and they include her in everything...' Another relative said, ‘I have no concerns whatsoever. I do not leave here crying, I am not worried. Staff on the floor are absolutely lovely, friendly, do anything for (person) and us.’ We heard from people and relatives how people were supported in a person-centred way by staff who were trained. People received care that focused on positive outcomes for people and followed best practice, with input from a range of health and social care professionals. Families were positive about the team culture in the home. One relative said, 'I think now the RM (Registered Manager) is back, and has the right team in place. It’s where you expect it to be.' Relatives spoke positively about workforce diversity. Relatives said, ‘It’s the best care home in Swindon. They have staff from different ethnic backgrounds. They have Nepalese day and last year an Indian day. The manager dressed up in saris, they come in and get involved. The manager encourages the people to applaud the staff. I think it’s brilliant.’