11 March 2013
During a routine inspection
People we spoke with said that staff involved them in their care and that they were kept informed about their progress. People told us that when they first attended staff told them about the service and what to expect. People said they felt their privacy and dignity was respected.
People spoke positively about the staff and the care and treatment they received. One person said 'It's a really good service, I have been very happy with everything.' People told us that staff took time to explain treatment options and we saw that care plans were person centred and based on a thorough assessment. Another person commented 'They are all very kind and take time to explain things to you'.
Staff we spoke with demonstrated understanding and awareness of their roles in relation to safeguarding. People told us they felt safe and were confident that any issue they had would be dealt with.
Staff we spoke with told us that they received the training and support they needed to carry out their roles.
We found that the organisation had robust systems in place to monitor the quality of the services.