During our inspection we spoke with two dentists, three dental nurses and two receptionists. We spoke with five people who used the practice to gain their views and experience of the service. We read four individual dental treatment records to see how people's treatment was planned and delivered. We also read three staff files to review how staff were appraised and trained. We saw how the practice cleaned and sterilised dental equipment. People spoken with were happy with the treatment received when they visited Orchard Lane Dental Practice. One person said 'I had a root canal treatment, the dentist explained why I needed it and what to expect. I was terrified but it was easier than having a filling'. People told us that they would recommend the dentist to other people because of their satisfaction with the service received.
People told us they could express their views and make informed decisions about their treatment. People's treatment records showed how their treatment was planned and delivered. There were suitable arrangements in place to deal with medical emergencies.
Staff felt supported and received training relevant to their role, which enabled them to meet people's need to an appropriate standard.
There was a good dirty to clean flow for cleaning and sterilising dental equipment. However, the practice did not carry out necessary maintenance checks on its equipment to clean dental instruments to ensure it was safe and effective to use.
The practice dispensed prescription medicines to its private patients. The provider did not have appropriate arrangements in place to record what medicines were used and stocked. Medicines were not always kept safe.
At the time of our inspection the provider did not have a registered manager in post. The provider informed us that they had a manager in post who would apply for registration in the near future.