29 January 2014
During a routine inspection
Records of care and treatment contained relevant detail, including x ray information and referral notes where appropriate. People were treated in a professional manner which promoted their oral and general health. All of the people with whom we spoke told us that it was a friendly and relaxed service. One person said, 'They send reminders by phone and card and it's a nice relaxed atmosphere.'
People were protected from abuse through the provision of regular suitable training to staff and the presence of clear policies.
The premises were maintained in a clean and hygienic condition. The service also maintained detailed policies and procedures related to cleanliness and infection control and carried out relevant audits to ensure their effectiveness. Everyone we spoke with told us the premises were clean. One person said 'It's very clean. I wouldn't change a thing here.'
The service offered support to people who wished to make complaints. A clear policy and procedure was available although no complaints had ever been received.