- Dentist
Bridge View Dental Surgery
All Inspections
During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made
From the evidence sent we found that accidents were correctly recorded and that actions and outcomes resulting from those accident reports were fully recorded.
We saw that the service had an emergency plan which gave staff guidance in the actions to be taken in the event of an emergency arising. We also saw that the emergency oxygen supply maintained by the service had been checked on a weekly basis and that the checks had been recorded to indicate that it was in working order.
We found that staff had received training in safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults and that clear and detailed policies were available to staff while guidance was also available to both staff and people who used the service.
The service had introduced a complaints policy and procedure through which complaints made could be recorded and the action taken, as well as the final outcome, could be recorded.
18 October 2012
During a routine inspection
We found that the service did not have an emergency procedure policy in place to guide staff in the event of a medical emergency. Also, previous accidents and incidents had not been recorded appropriately.
People were pleased with the level of information provided by the service and the opportunity to make informed decisions about their treatment. One told us, 'They always tell me how much it will cost unless it's an emergency. Then they just do it. The costs are fixed anyway so there are no nasty surprises'.
We found that staff lacked awareness with regard to safeguarding people from abuse. There was also a lack of information about safeguarding for people who used services
The standards of hygiene and infection control were found to be high. Effective procedures which followed appropriate guidance were in place.
The service had no formal system for receiving and dealing with complaints. No information on how to complain was available to people using the service and no records of how complaints were resolved was maintained.