8 March 2013
During a routine inspection
All consultations took place in one of three private treatment rooms, all of which were on the ground floor and accessible to patients with a mobility difficulty.
The patients who spoke with us made consistently complimentary comments about their experience of being a patient. We were told 'the staff make you feel confident', 'I have had treatment here under sedation, I woke up, my wisdom teeth had been removed and there was no pain or bruising'.
The practice offered intravenous sedation and we looked at information for one patient who was due to undergo this procedure on the day of our visit. We found an evaluation of the safety and suitability of this method of treatment for the patient in question.
We asked for information and guidance that staff had access to if they became concerned about a child or vulnerable adult who was visiting the surgery. The surgery had detailed guidance for staff which was most recently reviewed in December 2012.
We inspected the premises and noted that all areas of the practice, including the examination and treatment rooms were clean. All clinical staff were wearing clean uniforms.