• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: Sutton Dental Care

Sma House, Hackbridge Station, Wallington, Surrey, SM6 7JB (020) 8669 0033

Provided and run by:
Newham Family Dental Care Limited

All Inspections

17 July 2013

During a routine inspection

To help us understand the experiences of people using the service, we spoke with four people on the day of our visit in private at the practice address. Everyone we spoke with said that they were treated with respect. They said they signed to say they agreed with the treatment and had their treatment options explained to them. People told us they were supported to make decisions and choices regarding their care and treatment. Comments from people included, "The dentist discusses treatment options with you and lets you decide.' Another person said 'The dentist discusses treatment with you, like what has been done today and what needs to be done, and she does not use any jargon when she talks to you.'

People told us "The staff are nice here and never rush you', 'They spend time getting to know you' and 'They never complain if I'm running a bit late.'

People said they had no concerns around the cleanliness of the practice. One person told us 'The surgery is always kept clean.'

People described the staff as being very good, competent and very professional. They said that their examination was thorough. One person told us 'All the staff here are all very competent and the dentist I see is very good."