• Mental Health
  • Independent mental health service

Archived: Yew Lodge

Yew Lodge, Jeesal Cawston Park, Aylsham Road, Norwich, Norfolk, NR10 4JD

Provided and run by:
Jeesal Akman Care Corporation Limited

All Inspections

1 May 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Following our December 2012 inspection we identified concerns about the way that people's records were managed at Yew Lodge. The provider sent us an action plan to show us how they planned to make improvements to achieve and maintain compliance. At this inspection we found that significant improvements had been made. Staff told us that they had good access to records and frequent entries were evident.

However, during this inspection we had identified that the way medicines were managed within Yew Lodge was not safe, or consistent with best practice. Nor did the arrangements ensure that patients received their medicines in a timely way. Following our inspection the provider made improvements to ensure the safe administration of medicines.

We did not speak to any patients about their experience at Yew Lodge. However, we observed staff's positive interaction with one patient who was unable to communicate verbally. This patient's preferences were recorded in their file.

24 January 2013

During a routine inspection

Patients received appropriate support that protected their safety and welfare. Care and treatment was person centred. We were unable to converse with the patient accommodated in Yew Lodge. However we spent some time observing how they were being supported and found that staff understood this patient's needs and were able to anticipate any changes in their behaviour.

Patients' consent was appropriately sought and recorded and staff understood the principles of obtaining and recording consent.

Further training was required to enable staff working within the service to administer medicines safely and independently.

There was no computer in Yew Lodge at the time of our inspection. This meant that staff did not have access to useful corporate systems, such as the activities schedule and staff communications. We were told that this was being addressed.

Staff had access to appropriate support, including training supervision and appraisal. Monitoring systems identified some gaps in supervision and appraisal, but the majority of staff had completed both in accordance with the provider's policies.

People's personal records including medical records were not always accurate and fit for purpose. Some documents were not reviewed in a timely manner. On the day of our inspection one person's records were not available and for a significant time could not be traced. This meant that in an emergency staff may not have had timely access to information about the individual.