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23 July 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found that the quality of records, including those relating to detention under the Mental Health Act 1983, was consistent and that people's records were fit for purpose. The information recorded about individuals clearly supported staff to deliver effective care and treatment to people using the service.
1 May 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
During our inspection we spoke briefly with three patients receiving care and treatment at The Lodge. They told us that staff supported them well and understood their needs. One patient told us they felt safe at The Lodge and that staff supported them effectively with their medication, and by listening to them. Another individual expressed concerns about how their belongings were managed. We followed this up and found evidence that these concerns had been investigated on more than one occasion and that staff were supporting the individual appropriately.
19 December 2012
During a routine inspection
Patients were treated with dignity and respect, they were supported to influence how they lived and to maintain their independence. We found that individuals were enabled to express any views and concerns they may have, or to make a complaint. Patients were involved in meaningful activities, although staff told us that this was sometimes difficult to achieve.
Most patients received care and treatment that met their needs, however we identified some concerns about individualised assessment, search practices and the timeliness of assessment and care plan reviews.
All the areas we visited were clean and saw that the provider had arrangements in place to prevent and control infection.
We found that there were appropriate numbers of staff, of the correct seniority and skills to meet the needs of patients during our visit. Staffing levels were monitored and arrangements were in place to cover staff absence.
8 December 2011
During an inspection looking at part of the service
One person told us they had been making Christmas decorations and they had these displayed near their room. They did not wish to speak to us any further. Another told us that staff had helped them to arrange for repairs to a bicycle and that they were going out during the afternoon.
6 September 2011
During an inspection in response to concerns
We observed a number of people interacting positively with the staff on duty.