• Prison healthcare

Archived: Full Sutton HMPI

Moor Lane, Stamford Bridge, York, North Yorkshire, YO41 1PS

Provided and run by:
Spectrum Community Health C.I.C.

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile
Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Background to this inspection

Updated 8 June 2021

HMP Full Sutton is a high security dispersal prison for men, holding category A and B prisoners. It is situated near York. The operational capacity is approximately 560 prisoners.

Spectrum Community Health CIC is registered with CQC to provide the following regulated activities at Full Sutton HMPI: Treatment of disease, disorder or injury, and Diagnostic and screening procedures.

Our last inspection of Full Sutton HMPI was a joint inspection with HMIP in March 2020. The joint inspection report can be found at:


Overall inspection

Updated 8 June 2021

We carried out a desk based focused review of services provided by Spectrum Community Health CIC at Full Sutton in relation to the Requirement Notice that was issued as a result of a joint inspection with Her Majesty Inspectorate of Prisons in March 2020. At this inspection we found there were insufficient systems and processes regarding governance of the dental service to ensure sufficient management and oversight of the service. There were no effective systems in place to monitor complaints and drive improvement in the quality and safety of the dental service, including the quality of the experience for people using the service. We also found that care records for people with social care needs were not maintained.

The purpose of this focused inspection was to determine if the provider was meeting the legal requirements and regulations under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and that prisoners were receiving safe care and treatment.

We do not currently rate services provided in prisons. We highlight good practice and issues that service providers need to improve and take regulatory action as necessary.

At this desk-based review we found that:

  • Governance arrangements had changed for the dental service as it is directly commissioned by NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSE and NHSI) and is no longer subcontracted.
  • Systems were in place to monitor dental complaints.
  • There were appropriate systems in place to ensure electronic patient records were maintained for people who received social care packages.