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  • Dentist

Archived: Dentale Shrewsbury

10 Longbow Close, Harlescott Lane, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 3GZ 0845 017 6263

Provided and run by:
Implantium UK Ltd

All Inspections

24 January 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with people who had just had their initial consultation and people who had completed their treatment. People shared positive experiences with us and were complimentary about the Clinic and the staff. Comments included, 'They are very professional in what they do. I can't fault them' and 'It's a very smoothly run business'.

We observed staff treating people with respect, being polite and courteous. The Clinic provided a very welcoming atmopshere. People said they were fully involved in decisions about their treatment and felt they got good clear explanations. They told us everything was comprehensively explained.

People told us the staff were very good at explaining the treatment, discussing options and costs. They said they were given time to consider their treatment options. People who had completed their treatment told us they were given clear after care advice.

People received their treatment in a clean, hygienic environment. There were arrangements for the cleaning, sterilising and storing of instruments. Staff were knowledgeable about these procedures and described them to us confidently.

Staff were qualified and maintained their continuous professional development as required by the General Dental Council. They were provided with good opportunities for learning.

People we spoke with were not aware of the complaint procedure but said they would feel confident and comfortable to raise any concerns direct with the Clinic.