• Care Home
  • Care home

Ivy Court

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Greenfield Lane, Balby, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN4 0PT (01302) 492323

Provided and run by:
Runwood Homes Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile
Important: We have removed an inspection report for Stenson Court from 4 July 2018. The removal of the report is not related to the provider or the quality of this service. We found an issue with some of the information gathered by an individual who supported our inspection. We will reinspect this service as soon as possible and publish a new inspection report.

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service

Requires improvement

Updated 20 March 2024

Ivy Court is a care home providing accommodation and personal care for up to 71 people. At the tine of our assessment there were 62 people using the service, some people were living with dementia. This assessment took place between 9 April 2024 and 26 April 2024. The assessment was triggered by concerns we had received about the service. At the time of our inspection there was registered manager in post. Since our last assessment improvements had been made to the governance systems and the service was no longer in breach of regulation. Whilst improvements had ensured issues were identified and corrected, new systems required further embedding to ensure their efficacy. The provider had also made improvements associated with risk management. Risks associated with people’s care had been identified. However, care plans and risk assessments did not always contain up to date and accurate information about how risks were managed to keep people safe. Staff we spoke with were knowledgeable about risks and knew people well. Healthcare professionals had been involved in people’s support where appropriate. Whilst the service is no longer in breach, the homes rating remains requires improvement. Systems were in place to ensure people received their medicines as prescribed. The registered manager had taken appropriate action to improve systems and to support staff in the safe handling of medicines.

People's experience of the service

Updated 20 March 2024

We spoke with 3 people on the day of the site visit. People told us they felt safe, and staff knew them well. One person said, “The home is excellent, and staff are brilliant. Always on hand, you don’t need to ask they [staff] just know when you are needing them.” Another person said, “They [staff] have got the right balance here, there are no restrictions, and the staff are kind. When I first came in here, I was a smoker and they put me a chair and table outside my room on the patio with an ash tray. Now that’s so kind in my book.” People told us they got their medicines on time. People were complimentary about the staff and the registered manager and felt they were approachable and friendly.