Archived: St John Ambulance Norfolk

Carbrooke House, 9 Meridian Way, Norwich, Norfolk, NR7 0TA (01603) 431639

Provided and run by:
St. John Ambulance

All Inspections

31 August and 5 September 2012

During a routine inspection

We were unable to speak with people at the time of our inspection. This was because people accessing the service do not attend the ambulance base. To gather the views and experiences of people who had previously used the service we spent some time reviewing the feedback cards that people had completed. Generally people were complimentary about the service received and expressed satisfaction. Comments received included, "2 fantastic men [crew], 1st class" and "Thanks to the people in the ambulance who did such a good job". Out of the eight comment cards reviewed all people confirmed that they were very satisfied with the service. Other comments seen included, "Excellent and sincere, thanks" and "Thank you for all your help - very chatty and thoughtful for our needs".