Our current view of the service
24 May 2024
Askham Hall is a care home registered to provide accommodation, nursing and personal care and are registered to provide this support to 27 people. This service provides support to older people. At the time of our assessment there were 26 people living at the service. The service is provided in a purpose built building over 2 floors. This assessment took place between 24 September and 27 September 2024. The assessment included a visit on 24 September 2024 by 2 inspectors and 1 expert by experience. We asked the manager to forward some documents for us to review off site.
This assessment was undertaken in response to concerns raised about the service and therefore, we only assessed the relevant quality statements. At this assessment we looked at 3 quality statements under the key question of Safe. We looked at, Learning culture, Safeguarding and Safe and effective staffing. There were systems in place to ensure that when accidents, incidents or safeguarding concerns occurred they were reported to the appropriate authorities, investigated and learning from the events was shared with the staff. Systems were in place to protect people from abuse and any concerns were dealt with appropriately. Staff were recruited safely and had the training they needed.
People's experience of the service
24 May 2024
People told us they felt safe living at Askham Hall and that staff were kind and caring. One person told us, “I do feel safe. I find it quite relaxing and nothing worries me. It is just a pleasant place to be.” Another person told us, “I do feel safe here. There are always carers around and they come and check on you”. One relative told us, “[Family member] is perfectly safe here. The staff come and check on her and they always let me know if there are any problems so that gives me the reassurance that they are keeping a good eye on her.”
People told us that they thought staff understood what support they needed. One person told us, “The carers seem to know how to look after me and what I like to do.” One relative told us, “They have spoken to me about my wife. She has a high level of dementia, so it is difficult to understand what she wants. I am happy that they know her through me.” Some people told us that they sometimes struggled to understand staff whose first language was not English. The manager was aware of this and was ensuring that there was a mixture of staff on each shift so that they could learn from each other.
People confirmed that if they had any concerns, they felt confident to raise them with the staff or a manager. One person told us, “I haven’t mentioned anything. I can’t think of anything I would complain about. All the staff are approachable so I am sure if I said anything they would sort it out.” A relative told us they had raised a concern about some missing clothing and it had been dealt with appropriately.