- Dentist
Family Dental Practice
All Inspections
3 January 2013
During a routine inspection
We confirmed with people that they were involved in the decisions relating to their treatment. One person we spoke to said they had been coming to the practice longer than they could remember and came regularly every year and had, "no problems at all".
We saw the provider had a safeguarding policy in place which detailed the actions to be taken should staff have concerns about care or witness a safeguarding incident.
We found that effective arrangements were not in place to comply with national guidance for the prevention and control of risks from infection.
People were cared for by staff who were supported to deliver care and treatment safely and to an appropriate standard. Staff advised us that they had a yearly appraisal and completed annual training. However we found that appropriate checks had not been undertaken before staff began work.
We confirmed the provider had a detailed and effective quality audit process in place. One staff member showed us how the audits were used to record the daily decontamination process.