• Dentist
  • Dentist


7 South Molton Street, Mayfair, London, W1K 5QG (020) 7499 7015

Provided and run by:
Dr. Aayesha Meghji

All Inspections

14 January 2013

During a routine inspection

Information about the practice was available via a website and included details about the services available, costs of treatments and how to make complaints. One person told us that staff gave them information that was "clear and concise". People who use the service were treated in private. One person told us that staff treated them with "respect and dignity".

Written copies of treatment plans were routinely e-mailed to people and follow up appointments were made as appropriate. One person told us that they were "very happy" with the care they received.

The environment was clean and tidy on the day of the inspection and people who use the service told us that practice was always clean. One person described the practice as "fabulously clean". Instruments were appropriately decontaminated and stored safely.

The dentist had attended relevant training including dealing with medical emergencies, first aid, infection control and endodontics. Other relevant training courses were listed in the dentist's continuing professional development folder.

Satisfaction surveys were carried out twice per year with people who use the service. All respondents in the latest survey rated the service as very good or excellent. There was also a comments/suggestions book available to people. Comments in the book included "thanks for all your help" and "the dentist made my teeth look fantastic".