This was an unannounced inspection which took place on 5 April 2017. The service was first inspected in January 2016 and breaches in regulation were found in relation to person-centred care, safe care and treatment, safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment, good governance and staffing. Requirement notices were issued and the provider submitted an action plan after the last inspection explaining how they would become compliant.A focused inspection was conducted in October 2016 and we found improvements had been made to all breaches of regulation. This inspection was conducted to ensure these improvements had been sustained.
Milldene Nursing Home is a 13 bed home providing nursing and personal care to older people with mental health needs. There were 13 people living there at the time of inspection.
Staff knew how to keep people safe and minimise possible harm from occurring. The staff were confident they could raise any concerns about the quality of the service and these would be addressed to ensure people were protected from harm. People in the service felt safe and able to raise any concerns they might have.
Staffing was organised to ensure people received adequate support to meet their needs throughout the day and night. Recruitment records demonstrated there were systems in place to employ staff who were suitable to work with vulnerable people.
People’s medicines were managed by nursing staff who were trained and monitored to make sure people received their medicines safely. The medicines storage area was organised and effective ordering and supply procedures were in place with a local pharmacy. People could be supported to manage their own medicines if they wished.
Staff received support from senior staff to ensure they carried out their roles effectively through mentoring and support. Supervision and appraisal processes were in place to enable staff to receive feedback on their performance and identify further training needs.
People could make choices about their food and drinks and alternatives were offered if requested. People were given support to eat and drink if required.
Arrangements were in place to request external health and social care services to help keep people well. External professionals’ advice was sought when needed and incorporated into care plans.
Staff demonstrated they had an awareness and knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The service had made applications for people who may be deprived of their liberty and there was a robust review and renewal process in place. People were supported to make decisions about their own care and treatment.
Staff provided care with kindness; we saw positive interaction between people and staff. People could make choices about how they wanted to be supported and staff listened to what they had to say.
People were treated with respect. Staff understood how to provide care in a dignified manner and respected people’s right to privacy and to make choices. The staff team knew the support needs of people well and took an interest in people and their families to provide individualised care.
People had their needs assessed and staff knew how to support people according to their preferences and choices. Care records showed that changes were made as people’s needs changed and in response to requests from people using the service, relatives and external professionals.
People were supported to enjoy activities or their own personal interests. People could raise any concerns or suggestions and felt confident these would be addressed promptly by the manager and senior staff.
The home had a registered manager who was visible, hands-on and knew the support needs of people well. There were systems in place to make sure the service learnt from events such as accidents and incidents, complaints and investigations. The provider had notified us of all incidents that occurred as required.
People and relatives views were sought by the service through surveys and day to day contact. People, relatives and staff spoken with all felt the registered manager was approachable and responsive.