- Dentist
Swakeleys Dental Practice
We served a warning notice on Sterling Dental Surgeries Limited on 19 September 2024 for failing to meet the regulations related to safe environments, safe and effective staffing, and infection prevention and control at Swakeleys Dental Practice.
All Inspections
24 January 2013
During a routine inspection
We found that the dental practice worked in the best interests of the patient, providing them with long appointments so that they had time to ask questions, receive their treatment and not feel rushed.
Systems were in place to obtain patient's views, such as patient satisfaction surveys the results of which were used to make improvements to the service. Furthermore staff carried out regular audits on the service provided, such as checking that all the necessary information was stored in patient's records. This ensured that patients could be confident that the practice monitored and made improvements to the services that were provided.
We saw that staff received ongoing training and support and shared their knowledge with each other. This was so that patients received quality care and treatment that was in line with current guidelines and good practice.