• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: Minchinhampton Dental Practice

25 Tetbury Street, Minchinhampton, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL6 9JH (01453) 883867

Provided and run by:
Mr John Anderson

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

26 July 2013

During a routine inspection

People we spoke with said that the surgery was always clean and that they had no concerns about cleanliness or risk of infection. The registered manager told us the dental nurses were responsible for cleaning the dental treatment areas between people’s treatments and the cleanliness of the whole treatment room at the end of each day.

We spoke with five people when we visited the practice who were attending for treatment or check-ups. They each told us that they were very happy with the service they received and had been attending the practice for many years. We were told that they were involved in making decisions about treatment plans, were given explanations about any options available, and were informed of costs involved which included estimates of future treatments.

Each person we spoke with had been attending the practice for many years and expressed their satisfaction at the service they received. One person told us “I am happy with the practice here and have been coming for many years” and “I have moved out of this area but remain registered here as I am very happy with the treatment I receive”.

We saw evidence that the practice had a policy for child protection and safeguarding vulnerable adults dated January 2013. These were both up to date and contained details of who to contact in the local authority to discuss concerns or to report abuse.