26 March 2013
During a routine inspection
During the inspection we spoke with the provider (who was also one of the dentists at the practice), another dentist, the practice manager, dental nurses and observed a consultation. After our inspection visit, we spoke by telephone with two people about their experiences of the service. People that used the practice told us that they were happy with the services offered by the Village Dental practice.
We found that people who used the service were given appropriate information and support regarding their treatment. Comments made included, "The dentist discussed the treatment with me".
People told us that the premises were easily accessible and they would ask for help if they needed additional support.
We saw that good recruitment practices were in place. Records for a newly appointed dental nurse showed that appropriate checks had been carried out before the person was offered a job.
People told us there was plenty of information on making a complaint and they would be comfortable making a complaint if they needed to.
We saw that the records for people who used the service were stored on computers. Information was password protected. This ensured that people's information was kept confidential and accessed by relevant people.