• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: Hawkins & Wilson Dental Care

1335 Bristol Road South, Longbridge, Birmingham, West Midlands, B31 2SS (0121) 475 6569

Provided and run by:
Mr Stewart Hawkins

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

24 March 2016

During a routine inspection

We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection on 25 March 2016 to ask the practice the following key questions; Are services safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led?

Our findings were:

Are services safe?

We found that this practice was providing safe care in accordance with the relevant regulations.

Are services effective?

We found that this practice was providing effective care in accordance with the relevant regulations.

Are services caring?

We found that this practice was providing caring services in accordance with the relevant regulations.

Are services responsive?

We found that this practice was providing responsive care in accordance with the relevant regulations.

Are services well-led?

We found that this practice was providing well-led care in accordance with the relevant regulations.


Mr Stewart Hawkins also known as Hawkins & Wilson Dental Practice is a general dental practice in Longbridge, Birmingham offering only private dental treatment to adults and children. Another surgery, (Central England Specialist Referral Centre) was also located on the ground floor of premises and the nominated individual is Neil Wilson. Both practice shared resources including staff. The polices, systems and procedures at both practices are centrally managed and are reflective across both practices. For example, there was one reception but with separate telephone lines. Both practices are registered individually with CQC and therefore, each site has an individual report.

Mr Stewart Hawkins was located on the first floor with two treatment rooms, one was used by the provider and another was used by the hygienist as well as the associate dentists. On the ground floor there were also two treatment rooms mainly used to treat patients that were referred to the Central England Specialist Referral Centre. The ground floor surgery was also used a hygienist and an associate dentists. There was one reception area on the ground floor and two waiting areas, one of the first floor and one on the ground floor.

The provider is the registered manager. A registered manager is a person who is registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the practice is run.

We received feedback from patients through 13 completed comment cards and we also spoke with five patients on the day of the inspection. We received positive feedback from patients we spoke with and the comment cards also reflected this. The feedback received was reflective of both practices as mentioned above.

Our key findings were:

  • There was an induction and training programme for staff to follow which ensured they were skilled and competent in delivering safe and effective care and support to patients.
  • The practice ensured staff maintained the necessary skills and competence to support the needs of patients.
  • There were effective systems in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection. We found the treatment rooms and equipment were visibly clean.
  • There were systems in place to check equipment had been serviced regularly, including the dental air compressor, autoclaves, fire extinguishers, dental laser and the X-ray equipment.
  • We found the dentists and dental hygienist regularly assessed each patient’s gum health and dentists took X-rays at appropriate intervals.
  • The practice kept up to date with current guidelines when considering the care and treatment needs of patients.
  • Staff had been trained to handle emergencies and appropriate medicines and life-saving equipment were readily available.
  • Patients received clear explanations about their proposed treatment, costs, benefits and risks and were involved in making decisions about it.
  • Patients were treated with dignity and respect and confidentiality was maintained.
  • The appointment system met the needs of patients and waiting times were kept to a minimum.
  • There was an effective complaints system and the practice was open and transparent with patients if a mistake had been made.
  • At our visit we observed staff were kind, caring and professional. Some staff had worked at the practice for a long time and demonstrated they knew patients well when they greeted them.
  • There was an effective system in place to act on feedback received from patients and staff.

There were areas where the provider could make improvements and should:

  • Review the practice’s waste handling procedure to ensure external locked waste bins are secured.

23 February 2012

During a routine inspection

This practice provides dental care and treatment to people.

At this practice there are three dentists and five dental nurses. There are four hygienists' and three receptionists who are generally shared by this dental practice and another practice situated in the premises.

This review visit was discussed and arranged with the practice a few days in advance. This was to ensure that we had time to see and speak with staff working at the practice, as well as people registered with the practice where appropriate.

As part of our visit, we spoke with eight people who were registered with the practice by telephone. We also spoke with the senior dentist and their staff about working at the practice.

People that used the practice told us that they were happy with the quality of treatment received. They felt they were given enough information about their treatment options and the relevant fees, and were able to ask all the questions they wanted to.

We received positive comments from people that we spoke with about their experiences of the dental care and treatment they received which included:-

'Exceptionally professional and always feel comfortable.'

'Really superb dental care I have ever had.'

'All staff are welcoming and you can ask anything.'

People told us that the practice was clean and tidy and had no concerns about hygiene standards. Comments received included, 'It is lovely and clean, so hygienic and it is a pleasure to go.'

We identified that the infection control procedures and practices should be improved so that these are robust in detecting any potential infection control risks. Improvements should ensure staff and people using this practice are fully protected against cross infections.