• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: The Dental Surgery

30 Bath Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW3 3EB (020) 8570 5766

Provided and run by:
Mr. Terence Want

All Inspections

30 April 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

The purpose of this inspection was to follow up on areas where we had asked the provider to make improvements. We found the provider had taken action following our last inspection. The provider could now demonstrate that each patient's medical history was checked before treatment was provided and that staff were trained to meet people's needs in the event of medical emergency. The provider had reviewed and implemented systems to monitor the quality and safety of the service including the fire safety procedures, infection control monitoring and wad keeping records of staff training and development. The provider had introduced a monthly audit system to identify and address patient safety issues.

14 January 2014

During a routine inspection

During our inspection we spoke with four people who used the service, the provider, who was the only dentist working at the practice, and two members of staff. We also viewed three people's records. People we spoke with told us they had been coming to the practice for many years and travelled far to visit the dentist. One person told us 'I have no concerns'; another person said 'the treatment is always explained to me.' One person explained how the dentist reassured them as they were nervous.

People had signed the relevant form to show they had consented to their treatment plan. However, two people's records showed that their medical histories were not always checked or that people completed this important information whilst at the practice. Therefore the dentist might not be aware if people had any new medical conditions or if there were any changes to the medicines that people might be taking. This also prevented the dentist being able to take into consideration the person's current health needs when planning and carrying out treatment.

People we spoke with were happy with the standard of cleanliness of the practice.

There was no evidence of the all the training completed by staff. There were no records of the training attended by the agency dental nurse or verification to show that a criminal record check had been completed to ensure they were suitable and appropriately skilled and qualified to work in the practice.

People said they would be confident to raise any concerns they might have, however those we spoke with said they didn't have any complaints. We however found that there was no complaint procedure available in the practice on the day of the inspection so information about how to complain was not readily available if people wanted to raise concerns about the service.

There were insufficient checks and audits in place to show how the practice assessed and monitored the quality of the services being provided.