• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: Dyke Road

275 Dyke Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 6PB (01273) 596990

Provided and run by:
Colin Bunce Limited

All Inspections

15 October 2013

During a routine inspection

During our inspection we spoke with six patients. We spoke with three staff; these were the practice manager, the dentist and the dental nurse.

We also took information from other sources to help us understand the views of people who used the service, which included a patient satisfaction survey and staff meeting minutes.

The patients we spoke with told us they thought they received good dental treatment from the dentist. One patient told us, 'The dentist is excellent. They are good at what they do and I trust their judgement implicitly.' Another patient told us, 'It is a pleasure coming to see them. They put me at ease and I get excellent treatment.'

Staff understood their role in protecting vulnerable adults and children from abuse. A member of staff that we spoke with told us, "I completed on-line training last year so I am aware of safeguarding issues and what to look out for. I would report any concerns to the dentist or contact social services if I needed to.'

The practice was following appropriate guidance in relation to infection control and the staff were supported to carry out their responsibilities in relation to infection control. The dentist told us, 'Our infection control procedures are very good. We are meticulous about how we clean the instruments.'

The practice had systems in place to assess and continually review the service that it provided and was making improvements where needed.