• Dentist
  • Dentist

James Spence Dental Surgery

1 Victoria Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 2PU (01983) 615108

Provided and run by:
Mr. James Spence

All Inspections

9 September 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with eight patients. Patients told us they were very happy with the service provided. One commented 'everything is fully explained to me; I know what treatment I need and what my choices are'. Another said they were given lots of advice about preventative action they could take. A third told us a relative who attended the surgery had been referred elsewhere for specialist treatment. They were very happy about this as it would prevent future problems. Following their initial consultation a new patient said they 'were very happy with the care they had received'. All patients told us treatments were always explained to them. All said they found it easy to get an appointment when they wanted one and were usually seen at their appointment time.

Patients who used the service understood the care and treatment choices available to them and received written information about treatment. They experienced effective, safe and appropriate care and treatment which met their needs and protected their rights. The provider had effective systems in place which ensured patients were cared for in a clean and hygienic environment. The quality of the service patients received was regularly assessed and monitored. Systems were in place to enable people to make complaints which were handled appropriately. Patients were cared for by staff who had completed relevant training and were supported to deliver care and treatment safely and to an appropriate standard.