Archived: TMJ McKenzie & Associates Dental Surgery

9 London Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1AH (01732) 455191

Provided and run by:
Mr. Timothy McKenzie

All Inspections

30 July 2013

During a routine inspection

As part of our inspection we spoke with three patients. Patients spoke positively about the staff and practice. One patient said "I have been coming here all my life; it's a super dentist'.

We reviewed the care records for four patients and saw that records included details of each patient's medical history. We saw that these were verbally checked by the Registered Dentists at each treatment visit and any changes recorded in the patient's records.

Most people had said they agreed or strongly agreed that they had confidence in the dentists' knowledge and abilities, that treatment options and costs had been clearly explained to them and they had been pleased with the quality of the treatment. Comments included 'Every thought and consideration is given to making me feel at ease' and 'Superb treatment. Explained what they were doing and why (they were doing it)'.

We spoke with four members of staff about their understanding of safeguarding issues in relation to vulnerable adults and children. They all demonstrated a clear understanding of signs and behaviours associated with potential abuse that they should look out for as well as their responsibilities in relation to acting upon any suspicions or concerns.

We spoke with one of the staff members responsible for decontamination who explained the procedure for the decontamination of instruments. Decontamination is required in order to minimise the risk of cross infection between equipment, patients and staff. The description for the decontamination and sterilisation processes was explained to us and was in line with the Department of Health requirements 'Decontamination Health Technical Memorandum 01-05: Decontamination in primary care dental practices' (HTM 01-05).