• Dentist
  • Dentist

HMP & FYOI at Feltham

Bedfont Road, Feltham, Middlesex, TW13 4ND (020) 8844 5000

Provided and run by:
Mr. Abdul Khan

All Inspections

22 January 2013

During a routine inspection

A survey of young men at Feltham was carried out by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons in January 2013. The findings were that 17% thought it was easy to see the dentist which was worse than the national comparator of 43%.

Some patients experienced delays in follow up treatment. The patients we met thought the dental care provided by the dentist was good. One said, "He's alright. He is gentle. Some dentists are butchers but he is alright." We found that the dentist explained treatment options to patients and they made their own decisions about treatment.

The dentist kept records of all treatment and advice provided as well as consent given by patients to dental treatment. We were able to see what care and treatment had been provided to individual patients. Overall we found that patients were dissatisfied with waiting times but those we met were satisfied with the dental care provided.

There was a quality assurance system in place to monitor the quality of the dental service.

There had been recent improvements to infection control standards. The treatment room and equipment were clean and hygienic but the decontamination area was not correctly organised and further improvements were needed to ensure patients were fully protected against risk of infection.